Sunday, April 21, 2013

What Lies Beneath

What lies beneath the shadow of the Moon? A celestial body eclipsed in obscurity,
do it’s secrets thrive in the opacity of isolation as it casts its shadow on those rapt with adoration, those that would venerate this heavenly being

What lies beneath the Ocean’s depths where sunlight fears to tread. This abyssal plain that teams with life and realms unknown where mysteries abound. What cryptic symbols do its crystalline waters reveal, what inspiring rhymes does it possess

What lies beneath the radiant Sun at dawn, this giver of life and creation.  It rises in the East a beacon on the horizon bringing forth the new day and baring the standard of hope with its incandescent luster. Its intensity en-kindles all with that which is its nature; enthusiasm, excitement, exhilaration.

What lies beneath the Star nestled in celestial spaces.  One of many but unique is this enigma, laden in luminescent energy. Its arcane aura animates and enlivens the darkest of souls. It is  able to inflame and electrify from its lofty perch but in the darkness what light does it itself seek.

From the turmoil of a raging storm the Rainbow does break but what treasures lay beneath this prism’s sorted colors. What illusion is this that ensnares the heart in a flight of fantasy, a hallucination of a fool's paradise?

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